Here is yet another expose of the true color of the church. It is one of the innocent church followers who became the victim of this financial fraud of gigantic proportions exposed by this shocking story.
An old lady from Erumeli is the victim in this episode. After finding no support from any quarters, she chose to give advertisements through the print media to tell the world about her experiences. She wants to warn other potential victims who could fall in to similar traps.
In her notifications she says that her land property worth Rs 25 crores was taken away from her. Her husband is bedridden and is unable to speak. And also the couple doesn't have kids. She says that, years ago when she was unwell, she had some visions of Christ and Mother mary. Some priests approached her to make testimonies to this effect in front of a crowd. As she was declaring her testimony, before even she could complete her words, one of the priests declared in front of the frenzied crowd that she has agreed to donate all her wealth for the prayer group. At this moment of mass hysteria and hypnotic atmosphere on the stage, she could not oppose this declaration which was made without her consent.

In her advertisements she calls upon the readers to spread the news to make other potential victims aware. You can read the full story in Malayalam in the following link
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