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Innocent Hindu Tailor ghastly murdered in open day light by fanatic Muslims in Bangladesh Bandh.

Who will wipe out the tears of Mother and Sister of
Biswajit in perpetual sleep?
A Hindu young man was beaten to death by a Islamic mob near the district courts in the Old Dhaka amid nationwide Bandh (blockade) today clashes that halted the Dhaka-Aricha Highway.  The Bandh was called by the opposition group of Bangladesh, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (Nationality means here the Islamic Nationality of BD) and the Jammat-e-Islami Party of Bangladesh. It has been alleged that members of the students union of both parties ‘Jatiyatabadi Chatra (Students) Dal’ and ‘Islami Chhatra Shibir’ were behind the brutal killing of this Hindu Youth named Biswajit Kumar Das (24 yrs) with lethal weapons like Iron rods and sharpened chopper.

It is said that suspecting Biswajit as a member of Chatra League, the student unit of ruling Awami League of Bangladesh, the Islamist in Jamaat and BNP found a easy prey for killing of a Hindu infidel (Kaffir) per chance. Near relations of deceased  said that Biswajit was never connected with any politics or students union so far.

But, a second source had an input that the student union of Awami League, Chatra League killed Biswajit to create a severe tension so that the police and para-military could intervene the blocked programme of the opponents to disperse it. This source says that Biswajit was murdered by a single group beyond the timings of actual clash of two opponent students union. This source is taking the proof of a picture in which some assailant of Biswajit is shown in a leading position of a rally of Chatra League.

This picture shows the involvement of Chatra League with the Murder of Biswajit.
Biswajit was a owner of a  tailoring shop (Amantran Tailors)  at Shankharibazaar  in the area of Old Dhaka.

A police officer said he had no clue who killed him. “We don’t know who beat him,” said Kotwali Police OC Abu Bakar Siddique of the 9am incident near Victoria Park.

Witnesses say BNP-Jamaat lawyers began a procession inside the Judge Court premises in support of the blockade programme in the morning. They alleged that the members of the Chhatra League unit of the Jagannath University were cordoning off the area with counter slogans.

At one point the two groups engaged in chase and counter chase; and made detonations of several hand-bombs were also reported near a petrol pump at Victoria Park.

Witness Ripon, a rickshaw-puller, told  a Bangladesh Media House (bdnews24.com)  that some 25 youths started beating up Biswajit shortly after the detonations.

Biswajit tried to hide into a Dental Clinic, but the fanatic members of  ’Jatiyatabadi Chatra League’ and ‘Islami Chhatra Shibir’ rushed into the clinic to attack Biswajit with iron rods and finally mutilated him with sharpened chopper. From the gory situation Biswajit tried to escape again but fell down unconsciously in an approach lane to Shankhari Bazar. With the help of some Hindu locals a rickshwapuller rushed the injured Biswajit to Sir Salimullah Medical College Hospital; where he was declared brought dead.

The Asst. Registrar of Sir Salimullah Medical College Hospital, Emergency Department said Biswajit was died due to trauma and excessive and unchecked bleeding.

Mohammad Babul, a businessman, said Biswajit was the owner of ‘Amantran Tailors’. “He was on his way to the shop from his home. I never heard he was with any of the political parties”.

From family source it is known that Biswajit was a simple boy who was a youngest amongst their two brothers and one sister. Biswajit used to stay with his brothers family at Hrishikesh Das Lane of Old Dhaka. In a middle class family, Biswajit was also a  bread earner and a big helping hand.

Pro Islamic activists of the BNP-led 18-Party alliance blocked roads with torched tyres in Gabtali area at around 6am halting traffic on the crucial Dhaka-Aricha highway.

The pro-blockade activists swooped on with police when the law enforcers tried to disperse them a little bit later. The groups two chased each other while pickets vandalised about a dozen vehicles creating a violence all around.

It is also reported that at one stage, pro-government activists were seen in action, triggering much bigger clashes. At least five hand-made bombs were reported detonated, two buses were torched and and public life dismantled accordingly .

Pro-BNP Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal and Jamaat-e-Islami-backed Islami Chhatra Shibir brought out processions, simultaneously, shouting anti-government slogans in the area on a demand of ensuing parliamentary polls under a non-party caretaker government.

Anyway, while Biswajit was being assaulted with dire consequences or he was being Islamically chopped out by the assailants  nobody in the opponents came to save Biswajit, as Biswajit was a ‘Kaffir’ Hindu under the holy attack by ‘Momin’ Muslim.

Though the Bangladesh Police is now pretending as novice and found nothing about the clue or the perpetrators of cool blooded murder of Biswajit, the published photographs here and Bangladesh media categorically say the motivations of 100% Islamic attack upon a ignorant Hindu young man who succumbed an unfortunate and immature death due to an Islamic treatment to a Hindu Kaffir in Bangladesh.

Whether it is BNP, Jammat or Awami Leage, the murderers of Biswajit is the deadliest evil of Human society and brutality in Islam is increasing day by day under a Constitution of Bangladesh which is superscribed under “ Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim ”.


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